Technology and its influence are visible on almost every area of our lives. Technological innovations tackle global issues such as climate change, save people and animals, and make our daily lives more comfortable. Technical innovations, the technology industry and natural sciences research shape the world and our future. This is why we need more girls to get involved with technology. Finnish girls are ranked among the best students in natural sciences and mathematics, yet the field of technology lacks their know-how and potential.
You can! Girls and Technology familiarizes girls with fields of technology and industries, grows their personal self-confidence in their know-how and supports to maintain that confidence in the transitional periods of their education path. The main target group of the project are girls, school faculties and counsellors, employers and companies. Indirect target groups are influencers and decision makers, parents and the media.
The project conducts technology working experience piloting and technology workshops and entrepreneurship training for girls in co-operation with companies. The project produces operation guides, methods and materials that are gender-aware and encourage girls to non-traditional fields with teaching, counselling and learning. Furthermore, the aim of the project is to conduct influencer work and spread good practices and knowledge both domestically and internationally.
The long-term aim of the project is that women’s know-how is widely utilised in the designing and enforcement of technological innovations in Finland. In the future companies in the field of technology have enough capable workforce, and therefore the quality and quantity of technological innovations will raise. This will have a significant positive effect on Finland’s economy and competitiveness.
The project is executed by Oulu University of Applied Sciences and KoulutusAvain Ltd. The project’s international partner is Technisch Heilig-Hartinstituut from Belgium. The name of the transnational collaboration project is ”GirlPower – Girls and Technology 2018–2021”.
Material in English
Teacher Training Model
Gender Equality
Contact information
Project manager
Kaisa Orajärvi
Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk)
+358 50 5176 758
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